I just heard about Ali. I met him at a Eurovision Song Contest Party at May. He was so warm, friendly and intelligent. I give my best to you and family. Please know that someone in the US morns tonight.
Robert Muir
Ali Ghiassi
We are very sorry to have to let Ali's friends know that Ali Ghiassi died suddenly in the last week of September 2011. This website is for anyone who knew Ali to share their memories of him. It is maintained by his sister Ramesh Ghiassi and his brother-in-law David MacKay. Please send words or images to davidjcmackay@gmail.com
from Jules Sclater
Dear Ramesh,
It is with great sadness and shock to learn of Ali's premature passing away. Although I lost contact with Ali, I have very many fond memories of a kind and gentle person, with a strong sense of empathy.
I first met Ali in halls at Aberystwyth University and immediately struck up a friendship whilst he beat me in a game of snooker! I soon discovered that he was also a talented hockey player and played for the University 1st team. He really enjoyed hockey but he would tell me how upsetting he found the choice of song the team would sing whilst travelling together. We enjoyed debating politics and his strong sense of social justice led him to stand for Student Union President. He was very dedicated towards promoting fairness and equality. He showed his commitment and enthusiasm by spending many hours canvassing for votes. I helped with his poster campaign and in my eyes he was by far the most credible and trustworthy candidate. I have to admit we also enjoyed some misspent hours playing doom and football manager games in the university computer rooms on campus! Ali was also a clever and thoughtful person and as far as I understood a talented physics student.
When Ali moved into a flat in the 'old town' of Aberystwyth he would sometimes invite me round to share dinner. Amongst the recipes I can remember him cooking, smoked mackerel heated in the microwave served with rice and yoghurt. I remember he was particularly pleased with the rice cooker he had been given by his family - perfect rice every time! But even better were his Iranian dishes, he would often cook lamb with lots of parsley, onion, and lemon juice. Ali was a generous soul with not a bad bone in his body.
I know that he had experienced some difficulties when he moved to London, but I was never quite sure how to help. We drifted apart, but I had tried to contact him several times over the years but unfortunately couldn't track him down on the internet.
I have very many fond memories of Ali and can still hear his infectious cheeky laugh. His kindness will have touched many fortunate people, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to share time with such a lovely person.
Kindest regards,
Jules Sclater
It is with great sadness and shock to learn of Ali's premature passing away. Although I lost contact with Ali, I have very many fond memories of a kind and gentle person, with a strong sense of empathy.
I first met Ali in halls at Aberystwyth University and immediately struck up a friendship whilst he beat me in a game of snooker! I soon discovered that he was also a talented hockey player and played for the University 1st team. He really enjoyed hockey but he would tell me how upsetting he found the choice of song the team would sing whilst travelling together. We enjoyed debating politics and his strong sense of social justice led him to stand for Student Union President. He was very dedicated towards promoting fairness and equality. He showed his commitment and enthusiasm by spending many hours canvassing for votes. I helped with his poster campaign and in my eyes he was by far the most credible and trustworthy candidate. I have to admit we also enjoyed some misspent hours playing doom and football manager games in the university computer rooms on campus! Ali was also a clever and thoughtful person and as far as I understood a talented physics student.
When Ali moved into a flat in the 'old town' of Aberystwyth he would sometimes invite me round to share dinner. Amongst the recipes I can remember him cooking, smoked mackerel heated in the microwave served with rice and yoghurt. I remember he was particularly pleased with the rice cooker he had been given by his family - perfect rice every time! But even better were his Iranian dishes, he would often cook lamb with lots of parsley, onion, and lemon juice. Ali was a generous soul with not a bad bone in his body.
I know that he had experienced some difficulties when he moved to London, but I was never quite sure how to help. We drifted apart, but I had tried to contact him several times over the years but unfortunately couldn't track him down on the internet.
I have very many fond memories of Ali and can still hear his infectious cheeky laugh. His kindness will have touched many fortunate people, and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to share time with such a lovely person.
Kindest regards,
Jules Sclater
from Edward Weech
I was very sorry to hear of Ali's passing. He was such a kind, compassionate, generous spirited, and thoughtful person. It is almost ten years since I saw him regularly, but I still remember our conversations vividly. His memory is an inspiration to me to strive to be a better person.
Best wishes to Ali's many friends and family.
Ed Weech
Best wishes to Ali's many friends and family.
Ed Weech
Ali's burial - October 21st
The paperwork that was missing on October 14th has now been resolved, and Ali will be buried on Friday October 21st at 10am at Epping Forest Burial Park. All who would like to attend will be welcome. We will meet in the Gathering Hall beforehand. Afterwards, all are welcome to join the family for lunch at the Clocktower Restaurant, 4 Station Road, Epping.
As at last Friday's ceremony, please wear bright and colourful clothes.
As at last Friday's ceremony, please wear bright and colourful clothes.
Directions to Epping Forest Burial Park (CM16 6AD)
The nearest tube station is Epping.
from Marion Barton
Dear David, Ramesh and all of Ali's family and friends,
It was good to meet you on Friday, though such sad circumstances to all be together. Thank you for what was a very moving tribute to Ali's life. Below is one of my favourite memories of Ali which I read at his funeral, plus a picture from that time.
With best wishes,
Marion Barton
Wimbledon Light Opera Society
WLOS had its 80th Anniversary ball last year and we had all been planning our outfits. I was soon to discover however that no-one had planned more carefully than Ali (I should have known!). He had decided he wanted to be completely colour co-ordinated and he came to the ball all in blue - Blue suit, blue shirt, bowtie, waistcoat etc etc... It was only after a few minutes of chatting to him at the bar that I realised that he had taken the ultimate step... Ali had even bought tinted contact lenses so his eyes were blue too!
For me this story represents something that I realise was true about Ali throughout the time that I knew him. Ali always went that extra mile, and his dedication to whatever he was involved with shone through during our time performing together. I will miss having such a loyal friend and I know that my time with WLOS was better for knowing him.
Pictured - Emma Pearson, Garry Mannion, Naomi Fieldus, and Ali with his blue eyes!
from Sholeh and family
was a lovely, Kind, gentle and I was lucky enough to meet him & you few times at
your dad Noori’s house and I will never forget his great personality and how easy it was to talk to him.
was a shock to hear about his loss. I wish you and your family strength to go
through this. Just remember he has gone but you have all those good memories.
our thoughts are with you and you, your mum, your dad Noori, George, Yasi,
Nika, Rafat, Connell, and the rest of the extended family.
accept our sincere condolences
- Shamsi, Robi, Sholeh, Neemah
- Pooran, Maryam & Yasi
Ali's funeral update - Wednesday night
We have updated Ali's funeral page. The latest updates are:
Please wear bright and colourful clothes.
Please wear bright and colourful clothes.
We have arranged a minibus that will shuttle between the station and the Burial Park, before and after the ceremony. Please look out for it if you arrive at Epping tube station on Friday 14th!
from John Woolf
Dear Ramesh and Family.
Mary and I are so sad to hear of Ali's death and send our sincere condolences to you and your mother.
Yes we have good memories of Ali and yourself, the camping, the hiking and the group nights where as youngsters you learnt to folk dance, sing from the Woodcraft Folk song book, enjoy craft work and play games.
I remember that Ali and yourself were interested in nature and in particular your skill at being able to tell by the sound of the bird calls, which birds were nearby. (Ali, if I recall correctly, could imitate some of the bird calls as well).
To hear that Ali was writing a story about the Woodcraft Folk, remembering Mary and the hikes, was quite gratifying and made Mary quite reflective. We will always remember him.
Blue skies
Mary and John.
from Kamila Pruska
1st Wimbledon 2010 The Championships
2nd Ali watching tennis
3rd Ali using PLM microscopy in his favourite ethnic hooded jacket
4th In 2005 he did play in musical 7 Bridges for 7 Brothers
5th the pose, I'm not sure what has been written in the front : "It should have been me"...
6th working time in the room without windows, late 2010
My sincere condolences to you all.
He was my best friend in London...
Kamila Pruska
2nd Ali watching tennis
3rd Ali using PLM microscopy in his favourite ethnic hooded jacket
4th In 2005 he did play in musical 7 Bridges for 7 Brothers
5th the pose, I'm not sure what has been written in the front : "It should have been me"...
6th working time in the room without windows, late 2010
My sincere condolences to you all.
He was my best friend in London...
Kamila Pruska
from Emma Allotey
I am so so sorry to hear about the death of Ali and wish to send my deepest condolences.
I have many fond memories of Ali: he was a sensitive, thoughtful, extremely kind and very sociable person. I've known him since the late 90s and we kept in touch during his time up north and went he returned to London. We had long conversations about politics, love and art, and his sense of decency and love of justice and equality were apparent.
I've downloaded a couple of photos when he came to my birthday party in 2009 and he danced the night away and flirted outrageously! I saw him perform in My fair lady summer 2010 and he was fantastic, was clearly having the time of his life.
I'll miss him.
Emma Allotey
from Melanie
I knew Ali around 1999-2002. We met through politics; he committed himself to seeking to change this world and fighting the injustice and oppression he saw all around him.
Everybody liked and thought highly of Ali. He was smart, funny, modest, determined and firm when he had to be, and also caring and fragile too. As many others have remarked, he gave a great deal of himself to others and he spoke to me very often, and with much love and fondness, of his sisters and Mum.
I’m sorry I can’t be there next Friday to remember Ali with you and I send you my sincere condolences.
Everybody liked and thought highly of Ali. He was smart, funny, modest, determined and firm when he had to be, and also caring and fragile too. As many others have remarked, he gave a great deal of himself to others and he spoke to me very often, and with much love and fondness, of his sisters and Mum.
I’m sorry I can’t be there next Friday to remember Ali with you and I send you my sincere condolences.
from Reza, Behnaz, and Ryan
Words do an injustice in explaining how much we will miss Ali.
He will remain very alive in our memories and admiration.
May God give him eternal rest & may his soul rest in peace!
Reza, Behnaz, Ryan
He will remain very alive in our memories and admiration.
May God give him eternal rest & may his soul rest in peace!
Reza, Behnaz, Ryan
Hunstanton with Amber and Ducks
This is a picture from our Christmas in Hunstanton, Norfolk which shows how Ali adored his little Niece Amber. We were walking along the frozen High Street and saw several ducks waddling towards us, so' Uncle Ray', as Amber called him, crouched down to watch them with her.
Such a sad day when we heard about Ali, and we will miss him greatly.
from Joy and Dil
Such a sad day when we heard about Ali, and we will miss him greatly.
from Joy and Dil
at Connell and Faye's wedding
These pictures were at Connell and Faye's wedding, where Ali gave a wonderful, warm and very moving speech, which had everyone in tears and reaching for their hankies.
from Joy and Dil
from Joy and Dil
2010 - Nic and Margo's new Year Party
This picture was at Nic and Margo's new Year party and the theme was space. Ali came along at the last minute and with the help of Marguerita, managed to create this wonderful, colorful outfit which was a great hit with all party goers.
from Joy and Dil Owen
from Joy and Dil Owen
from Paul Atkin
I was Ali's friend in London around 2002 where we shared in common an opposition to racism, sexism and homophobia. He was a very courageous and unique man, and made powerful arguments against oppression and discrimination. He was funny, kind and above all an individual who stood out from the crowd. I was also lucky to meet him again a couple of years ago where we went out in London for his 35th birthday. A group of us had such great fun with Ali that night!
My condolences are with Ali's family and I will be inspired whenever I think of him.
Goodbye Ali x
Paul Atkin
My condolences are with Ali's family and I will be inspired whenever I think of him.
Goodbye Ali x
Paul Atkin
from Akira Naito
We are very sorry to hear such a tragic news.
Our sincere condolences to you all.
Ali has been such a cheerful and empowering being for me, and I remember the way he jokes with his kind smiles. We do miss his kind and caring being.
Our thoughts are always with you.
Sincerely, Yours,
Our sincere condolences to you all.
Ali has been such a cheerful and empowering being for me, and I remember the way he jokes with his kind smiles. We do miss his kind and caring being.
Our thoughts are always with you.
Sincerely, Yours,
from Paul Sadler
Ali was as keen, enthusiastic and dedicated a member of WLOS as the character he sucessfully portrayed in 'Dad's Army', Private Pike, but he was considerably more effective. A measure of his dedication was the fact that he would frequently phone me on his walks down Grand Drive and ask if he could pop in to go over some music. It was important to him that he achieved as high a standard of performance as he was capable of. Because of his level of commitment, I was delighted to be able to suggest him as a potential ugly sister in Cinderella last Christmas, and his performance exceeded our already high expectations. He was a joy to work with and his enthusiasm, personality and reliability will be sorely missed."
Paul Sadler
Paul Sadler
from Hamish and Dominique Norbrook
Ali was great fun to be with in productions - he had a knack of defusing tensions and making us smile. Above all, we'll remember his ability to listen sympathetically to other people - to understand what they were thinking, and empathise with their feelings.
Hamish and Dominique Norbrook
Hamish and Dominique Norbrook
from Jason Thomas
I am a member of the Wimbledon Light Opera Society and performed with Ali in Babes in Toyland, My Fair Lady and Dad's Army. In fact, along with Emma Pearson, Ali was the very first WLOS member I met when I turned up for my first rehearsal of Babes in Toyland in June 2009. His warm welcome within seconds of my walking through the door at Lingfield Hall certainly helped me feel that I'd come to join the right group.
Ali was a lovely guy, so gentle of nature and never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was a great actor and created some very special on stage moments. He made me laugh every time he appeared in his night gown and night cap as 'angry man' in Wiv' a Little Bit o' Luck in My Fair Lady and he was perfect for the role of Pike in Dad's Army.
If I close my eyes, I can clearly hear him saying 'It's ever so wobbly' and 'I got a note from the doctor' as he is hassled up the ladder by Captain Mainwaring.
WLOS is quite a close-knit group and we all feel as though we've lost such an important member and friend. This week, the hall was very busy on Tuesday evening. Many people who were not called to rehearsal or who are not even in the current show dropped in. I think they probably felt as I did, a quiet need to be with other WLOS people at this incredibly sad time.
I will miss Ali, his team spirit, his enthusiasm, his gentleness. And I will miss our post-rehearsal chats about the conflicting fortunes of Arsenal, Norwich and Hull City FC.
I very much hope to attend Ali's funeral next Friday.
With very best wishes to you all,
Ali was a lovely guy, so gentle of nature and never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was a great actor and created some very special on stage moments. He made me laugh every time he appeared in his night gown and night cap as 'angry man' in Wiv' a Little Bit o' Luck in My Fair Lady and he was perfect for the role of Pike in Dad's Army.
If I close my eyes, I can clearly hear him saying 'It's ever so wobbly' and 'I got a note from the doctor' as he is hassled up the ladder by Captain Mainwaring.
WLOS is quite a close-knit group and we all feel as though we've lost such an important member and friend. This week, the hall was very busy on Tuesday evening. Many people who were not called to rehearsal or who are not even in the current show dropped in. I think they probably felt as I did, a quiet need to be with other WLOS people at this incredibly sad time.
I will miss Ali, his team spirit, his enthusiasm, his gentleness. And I will miss our post-rehearsal chats about the conflicting fortunes of Arsenal, Norwich and Hull City FC.
I very much hope to attend Ali's funeral next Friday.
With very best wishes to you all,
From Jason Thomas
Dear Ramesh,
Just a few words to express my deepest sympathy to you and your
family at Ali's passing.
I am a member of the Wimbledon Light Opera Society and performed with
Ali in Babes in Toyland, My Fair Lady and Dad's Army. In fact, along
with Emma Pearson, Ali was the very first WLOS member I met when I
turned up for my first rehearsal of Babes in Toyland in June 2009.
His warm welcome within seconds of my walking through the door at
Lingfield Hall certainly helped me feel that I'd come to join the
right group.
Ali was a lovely guy, so gentle of nature and never had a bad word to
say about anyone. He was a great actor and created some very special
on stage moments. He made me laugh every time he appeared in his
night gown and night cap as 'angry man' in Wiv' a Little Bit o' Luck
in My Fair Lady and he was perfect for the role of Pike in Dad's Army.
If I close my eyes, I can clearly hear him saying 'It's ever so
wobbly' and 'I got a note from the doctor' as he is hassled up the
ladder by Captain Mainwaring.
WLOS is quite a close-knit group and we all feel as though we've lost
such an important member and friend. This week, the hall was very
busy on Tuesday evening. Many people who were not called to rehearsal
or who are not even in the current show dropped in. I think they
probably felt as I did, a quiet need to be with other WLOS people at
this incredibly sad time.
I will miss Ali, his team spirit, his enthusiasm, his gentleness. And
I will miss our post-rehearsal chats about the conflicting fortunes
of Arsenal, Norwich and Hull City FC.
With very best wishes to you all,
Just a few words to express my deepest sympathy to you and your
family at Ali's passing.
I am a member of the Wimbledon Light Opera Society and performed with
Ali in Babes in Toyland, My Fair Lady and Dad's Army. In fact, along
with Emma Pearson, Ali was the very first WLOS member I met when I
turned up for my first rehearsal of Babes in Toyland in June 2009.
His warm welcome within seconds of my walking through the door at
Lingfield Hall certainly helped me feel that I'd come to join the
right group.
Ali was a lovely guy, so gentle of nature and never had a bad word to
say about anyone. He was a great actor and created some very special
on stage moments. He made me laugh every time he appeared in his
night gown and night cap as 'angry man' in Wiv' a Little Bit o' Luck
in My Fair Lady and he was perfect for the role of Pike in Dad's Army.
If I close my eyes, I can clearly hear him saying 'It's ever so
wobbly' and 'I got a note from the doctor' as he is hassled up the
ladder by Captain Mainwaring.
WLOS is quite a close-knit group and we all feel as though we've lost
such an important member and friend. This week, the hall was very
busy on Tuesday evening. Many people who were not called to rehearsal
or who are not even in the current show dropped in. I think they
probably felt as I did, a quiet need to be with other WLOS people at
this incredibly sad time.
I will miss Ali, his team spirit, his enthusiasm, his gentleness. And
I will miss our post-rehearsal chats about the conflicting fortunes
of Arsenal, Norwich and Hull City FC.
With very best wishes to you all,
From Rachel Pielow
Ali was lovely to me when I joined WLOS and always chatted to me and had a welcoming smile on his face. I am deeply shocked at his sudden death.
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
From Des Muller
I do indeed have very fond memories of Ali from both Dad's Army and My Fair Lady. His "shut up" in MFL always made my evening as it got louder and more heartfelt each performance!. I thought he did a great job as Pike!
All best wishes and condolences to the family
All best wishes and condolences to the family
From Tony Trott
I met Ali for the first time on singing in the rain where he came down to support the show. We went out for a bite to eat in the north end road and shared some chips. It truly saddens me to hear this news, such a lovely young man with a wonderful spirit. My thoughts with you all at this time.
Sincere regards
Tony Trott x x
Sincere regards
Tony Trott x x
From Gilly Low
I did My Fair Lady with Ali and we did dance together and he was such a lovely guy, and always good fun.
From Rachel Crunkhorn
Ali was such a lovely, kind guy and made me feel instantly welcome and at ease as a new WLOS member. Obviously words are little comfort at this time, but please send my deepest condolences to his family and friends, my thoughts are with them all.
Much love,
Rachel xxx
Much love,
Rachel xxx
From Patrick Harrison
I will always remember Ali with affection from our time together during My Fair Lady. He was a kind and generous man and will be sorely missed by friends and family alike. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, his friends and with WLOS members at this difficult time.
All best wishes
All best wishes
From Sue Clark
Dear Ramesh and family,
I have just learnt from Hazel of your heartbreaking news. I am so very sorry.
Ali was a joy to be with preparing for the shows and a delight to watch on stage. (He was a perfectionist to my amateur eye.)
He will be sorely missed by us all.
With deepest sympathy,
Sue Clark (Costume Assist. WLOS)
I have just learnt from Hazel of your heartbreaking news. I am so very sorry.
Ali was a joy to be with preparing for the shows and a delight to watch on stage. (He was a perfectionist to my amateur eye.)
He will be sorely missed by us all.
With deepest sympathy,
Sue Clark (Costume Assist. WLOS)
From Gabrielle Lambert
I've just received Hazel's news about Ali and am so very sad for you and your family but also for all of us who knew him. Ali was a lovely person, so open, friendly, funny. I have been with WLOS for about ten years so knew Ali over several shows and parties! I remember him best during My Fair Lady when he played the angry neighbour in his nightgown. He stole the show. (I was his fellow angry neighbour from a window so had a good view of his acting!)
I have lost several people I have loved and who were very, very close to me and can fully appreciate your emotions. I wish you and your family strength to get through these early difficult days and going forward to cope with that gap in your family.
Best wishes
I have lost several people I have loved and who were very, very close to me and can fully appreciate your emotions. I wish you and your family strength to get through these early difficult days and going forward to cope with that gap in your family.
Best wishes
From Trudi Camilleri
Dear Ramesh,
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your brother Ali, I met him during the Dad's Army show at WLOS. He was a great guy and a very sensitive soul. We caught the tube home together a few times and it was lovely to get to know him. I send my sincere condolonsces to you and the family.
Ali will be sorely missed by us all. You and the family are in our thought at this very difficult time.
Trudi Camilleri
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your brother Ali, I met him during the Dad's Army show at WLOS. He was a great guy and a very sensitive soul. We caught the tube home together a few times and it was lovely to get to know him. I send my sincere condolonsces to you and the family.
Ali will be sorely missed by us all. You and the family are in our thought at this very difficult time.
Trudi Camilleri
Ali "the Annihilator" playing football with Reeth Nomads
Reeth Nomads, possibly the most unlikely winners of any football tournament ever. Ali "the Annihilator", Garry "The Guvnor", "Get Down" Gaz, "General" George, Stewart "Either Foot" Tate, Baz "The Blocker", and Connell "The Embryo" in this c.2001 display of true Yorkshire footballing genius. Thanks to Phillip Clayton.
From Connell.
From Connell.
From Naomi Fieldus

I am so terribly sorry to hear about Ali.
Ali was a much loved member of the society and he will be greatly missed.
Ali and I did in fact join WLOS at the same time as each other, our first show being Kiss me, Kate. He was an extremely supportive and kind member of the group.
I am very sorry for your loss
Best wishes
from Jean-Pierre Gremion and Familles Gremion & Dufrene
We would like to tell Marguerita, George, Ramesh, Connell and all your family that we're sharing your sadness. We keep very nice memories from Ali, who stayed few days in Annecy in july, when he was visiting France. Its French was excellent and we had very nice conversations with him. We are so sorry for your loss and we will be with you on Friday the 14th of October. Please tell Marguerita that Rose Dufrene prays for her and Ali.
from Mo Rogers
I am a relatively new member of WLOS, and I wanted to express my condolences, on Ali's passing.
I was lucky enough to meet him during show week for "Singin' In The Rain" in May this year, when Ali stepped in at the last minute to help out backstage, and found him to be such a kind, thoughtful & caring person. It was my first show for over 20 years (since my school days) and I was incredibly nervous, but he completely put me at ease & was a supportive face in the wings all the way through it. I was also fortunate to spend a few hours speaking to him at the after-show party, and was looking forward to getting to know him better during HMS Pinafore.
My husband & I often go walking on Wimbledon Common, and a few weeks after SITR, we bumped into him, blissfully taking photos on a glorious summer's day. Being been more of walker than an ornithologist or arborealist, I was amazed at all the things he was able to point out to us, that I'd never even noticed. I guess it was then I realised how observant & engaged Ali was with his surroundings, as well as with people - as I'd seen during SITR.
I was so pleased to see that he'd rejoined HMSP, and his loss as I'm sure you know, is very keenly felt.
It was a real privilege to have met him, to have known him even for such a short while, and my thoughts are with you all.
Best wishes,
Mo Rogers
I was lucky enough to meet him during show week for "Singin' In The Rain" in May this year, when Ali stepped in at the last minute to help out backstage, and found him to be such a kind, thoughtful & caring person. It was my first show for over 20 years (since my school days) and I was incredibly nervous, but he completely put me at ease & was a supportive face in the wings all the way through it. I was also fortunate to spend a few hours speaking to him at the after-show party, and was looking forward to getting to know him better during HMS Pinafore.
My husband & I often go walking on Wimbledon Common, and a few weeks after SITR, we bumped into him, blissfully taking photos on a glorious summer's day. Being been more of walker than an ornithologist or arborealist, I was amazed at all the things he was able to point out to us, that I'd never even noticed. I guess it was then I realised how observant & engaged Ali was with his surroundings, as well as with people - as I'd seen during SITR.
I was so pleased to see that he'd rejoined HMSP, and his loss as I'm sure you know, is very keenly felt.
It was a real privilege to have met him, to have known him even for such a short while, and my thoughts are with you all.
Best wishes,
Mo Rogers
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